Saturday 28 November 2009

Where Is The Supernatural?

I'm often bemused when atheists ask where is the evidence for the supernatural, as though it is some arcane substance mixed in with the material effects of the cosmos. The truth, I think, is that we ARE in the supernatural realm - the whole thing is supernatural. Given that there are only two things, God, and creation ex nihilo, there is no room for a third element to be imputed at will and fooled around with promiscuously. Everything that exists is either God or the created order (which includes everything; matter, mass, energy, light, angels, demons, and ghosts.....the whole lot). I would say that when anyone tries to locate the supernatural in daily life, it seems to me that they misunderstand the real quintessence of creation; their mistake is rather like a fish scouring the ocean all its life looking for that thing called 'water'.

1 comment:

  1. their mistake is rather like a fish scouring the ocean all its life looking for that thing called water

    I like that!. Animal senses, our own included, are often tuned to perceive only an obvious change in the status quo (Like picking up movement) Hence unless we apply effort we see nothing if we are immersed in uniformity. Hence the poor fish's problem of not being able to see water!
